When you're between rocks and hard places.


Saving you from being up the creek without a paddle.


0819 PRORIL Brand image

Photo: Taiwan Taroko Gorge National Park

When you're between rocks and hard places.

Proril industrial and civil pumps, from Taiwan, are made for where margins for error are down to almost nothing.  By a country who are among the most exacting manufacturers in the world.

The PRORIL range includes; dewatering pumps, sewage pumps, and slurry pumps. Built for even the toughest conditions, they're used in applications from general drainage, construction, and industrial sites, to wastewater treatment and sludge removal

Saving you from being up the creek without a paddle.

Trusted by:

City Care Fonterra Bathhurst Connell CPB HEB Transmission NCTIR Grey District Council McConnell March Waste Management Westland Milk Products